If the kachaka and the smartphone are connected to the same Wi-Fi, it will be launched in "Wi-Fi Connection" mode, and there is no function limit and the kachaka app can be used. For more information, please refer to here (remote control function).
However, it unintentionally transitions to remote control mode, and even though Kachaka and smartphone are connected to the same Wi-Fi network, If a phenomenon that does not switch "Remote control" to "Wi-Fi connection" occurs , try the following operation.
1. Pull the home screen down to update the connection with Kachaka
Drag the home screen in the Roading (pull the screen while touching the screen / Pull-to-retresh) The icon appears, and when you release your finger, the information on the home screen is updated.
2. The app restart
If the phenomenon is not resolved by updating the above home screen, try restarting the app.
- Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display the application (home button double click if there is a home button), swipe the kachaka app from the bottom up to terminate the app.Open the Kachaka app again from the home screen. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201330
- Display app list, swipe the kachaka app from the bottom up to terminate the app. Open the Kachaka app again from the home screen. https://support.google.com/android/answer/9079646
3. If you do not return
If you do not recover with the above two operations, if you have confirmed that there is no problem with the connection status of Kachaka's Wi-Fi network, please operate the Kachaka restart.