July 31, 2024
Thank you for using Kachaka. We are pleased to announce a software update for Kachaka.
[Software Version]
Ver 3.2.6
[Update Content]
Added a "Keep Holding Furniture"
The existing furniture integration mode has been changed to "Charge While Holding Furniture" and "Keep Holding Furniture" settings.
With this, if you want to use Kachaka integrated with furniture, setting it to "Keep Holding Furniture" will prevent accidental dropping of furniture due to malfunction. Also, if you have multiple pieces of furniture and want to charge Kachaka with the furniture on it, you can use the "Charge While Holding Furniture" setting.
Other major improvements
- Added "診察室, 問診室, リハビリ室" to the destination name suggestions.
- Improved Kachaka's shutdown speed.
- Fixed an issue where exporting large maps was sometimes not possible.
- Fixed an issue where Kachaka occasionally froze after Wi-Fi setup, map creation, or map switching.
- Fixed an issue where Kachaka would speak the message twice when using the wait function and message function together after reaching the destination.
- Fixed an issue where Kachaka unintentionally started in an emergency stop state.
The vulnerability in OpenSSH has been fixed. In versions prior to this update, an unauthenticated attacker could potentially execute arbitrary commands.
[Implementation Date]
July 31, 2024
[Update Procedure]
Please refer to this.
How to Update the Kachaka Main Unit Software